News from the Faculty

Zwei Frauen stehen sich gegenüber

Campus life at THI fascinated hundreds of visitors

Discover virtual worlds, listen to your own muscle power or take a seat in a self-driving car: Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI) presented… more
Gruppenfoto mit fünf Männern und einer Frau

Faculty team elected in Neuburg

The Faculty of Sustainable Infrastructure, located at the Neuburg Campus of the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI), has now finally formed. After… more

THI again awarded Germany scholarships for the winter term

Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI) has awarded 42 Germany Scholarships. Students with outstanding achievements and social commitment receive 300… more
[Translate to English:] Zwei Männer tragen eine Holzliege, zwei Frauen platzieren einen aus Palettenholz gebauten Tisch

New wooden furniture for the campus - naturally sustainable

Students and staff help together and build stylish wooden couches more

TH Ingolstadt and the FOSBOS Neuburg organised the first major rubbish collection campaign in Neuburg schools

Around 300 pupils and students of the THI cleaned the Neuburg city centre and campus of litter more

Great interest in the university information days at the TH Ingolstadt

After two years as a digital event, future students were able to get an on-site impression of the campus and its degree programmes at the weekend more

Neuburg Campus: Prof. Dr. Jana Bochert becomes interim founding dean

Prof. Dr. Jana Bochert, Professor of Construction Informatics, Construction Mechanics and Fundamentals of Civil Engineering, was appointed by the… more